- Added options to the configuration dialog to set username and/or
post colorization options for forum admins, moderators, and
specific users of your choice.
- Added the ability to click on thumbnailed quoted images to toggle
them between full and thumbnail size.
- Cleaned up the Change Log, and added it to the About page in the
configuration dialog.
- Better support for emoticons in Quick Quoted text.
- Added an emoticon selection menu to the Quick Reply window.
- Fixed a bug with the link-to-image function that would prevent
images from loading.
- Added link-to-image functionality. The extension will only convert
links to URLs ending in gif, jpg, jpeg, or png (case-insensitive). It
will also handle qstats image links for Fight Club. It
will not autoconvert URLs to images that are not links in order
to prevent referrers from being spread. An option to turn this feature
on and off is in the preferences dialog.
- Added an option to turn images quoted by other users in their
posts into thumbnails.
- Contains all the bug fixes and enhancements since version 1.12.499
- Fixed the "Reanchor threads to targetted post after all images have
loaded" option to work with the new early-colorization code.
- Added homepage information to the install record (Hi roachfiend!)
- Fixed a bug where the extension wouldn't colorize the page before
all images have loaded for people who have a no-ads forum account.
- Fixed a bug where the browser window would think the Quick Reply
window was still open if it had been closed with Ctrl+W.
- Fixed the [PL] tag for Quick Replies in forum 26.
- Added an option to disable all color highlighting for the thread
list pages, and also one to do the same for posts. Post utility
icons (such as Go To Last Read) are still a seperate toggle.
- Added an option to move "The Awful Forums" from the beginning of
the page title to the end of the title.
- Added the previously missing "Always show Go To Last Icon" to
the preferences dialog.
- Added an option to swap the location of the "Submit Post" and
"Preview Post" buttons in the Quick Reply window.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the extension would pop up an error
on non-forums sites (such as www.letstalk.com).
- Fixed a bug where closing the SpellBound spell checker window
in the Quick Reply window by using the X in the upper right
corner of the window would wipe out the contents of the reply.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to the Quick Reply window:
- Alt+S: Submit the post
- Alt+P: Preview the post
- Alt+C: Spell Check the post (if SpellBound is installed)
- Ctrl+W: Close the Quick Reply window without submitting the post
1.11.529 (Super Experimental Version)
- Added new experimental routine to add colorization before all
images have loaded.
- Added detection of emoticon images in Quick Replies.
- Made [URL] to [IMG] quoting an option in the Configuration Dialog.
- Fixed unpinning all forums to not restore the default pinned forum
- The Configuration Dialog will notify you if you need to restart
Firefox for changes made to take effect.
- Changed Quick Reply window to use [URL] tags when quoting images.
- Changed Quick Reply window to use [URL] tags when quoting images.
- Stable release includes all changes from development versions 1.11.135
through 1.11.496.
1.11.496 (Release Candidate 2)
- Temporarily removed forum time recording to fix bugs.
1.11.494 (Release Candidate)
- Removed redundant Leper's Colony link from the Quick Jump menu.
- Added extension configuration option to the Quick Jump menu.
- Added the new Leper's Colony to the forum Quick Jump menu.
- Added a new page to the configuration dialog with version
information and credits. Also, how long you've spent on the
forums (since installing this version).
- Another stab at hiding other SA menus. This time it works.
- You can now add seperator lines to the pinned forum list. Click the
"Add Sep" button in the pinned forum editor to add a seperator
- Saving colors in the preferences dialog works now.
- The extension will now hide any other SA menus installed by other
extensions. You can disable this behavior from the configuration
- The [PL=...] BBCode tag will now be parsed when you edit a post.
- The extension is now compatible with version 0.6 of the
spell-checking extension. This may have broken compatibility
with older versions of SpellBound -- if so, you should upgrade
- Made the configuration dialog resizable when opened from the
"Configure Last Read Extension" link on each forum page.
- Added a configuration option to toggle the SA Grenade background
on the Quick Jump menu on or off.
- Fixed a problem where the extension would mistakenly think it was
in forum 26 when it's not, which would cause thread post highlighting
to fail.
- The extension will now warn you if you try to navigate away from a
page that has a Quick Reply window open, and offers you the
opportunity to cancel the navigation to keep the Quick Reply
window open.
- Fixed a problem where sometimes where quoting with the the Quick
Reply window would come up with empty quoted text. This is due to
the forum's post HTML being inconsistent. If the extension can't
find the post text itself, it will ask the forum server for the
post text, which may make the Quick Reply window take a couple
seconds to appear. This doesn't apply to additional quotes added
to an already open Quick Reply window, though.
- Replaced the configuration page with a configuration dialog.
- Fixed the problem where the extension would fail to properly save
its data files on non-Windows OSes if the file's default configured
location was used.
- You can now "pin" your favorite forums to the bottom of the SA Forum
Quick Jump menu if you have the menu set to group the forums into
submenus by category. There is an option on the configuration page to
change which forums are pinned. (A better UI for this option is
coming in a future release.)
- The extension now correctly honors the nested SA Forum Menu
preference setting.
- Overhauled the SA Forum Quick Jump menu with a code submission
by Pahalial, bringing over some features from
CarryTheZero's forum menu extension. You can right-click a
menu entry to open it in a new tab. There is also now an
option to nest the forum menu by forum categories on the
settings page.
- The extension will now highlight threads when you're viewing your
subscribed thread list.
- Includes all development updates and fixes up to version 1.11.117.
- Added an install script for the full Mozilla suite. The extension
should install on Mozilla now -- but it's unsupported, do so at your
own risk.
- The Quick Reply window is now compatible with the SpellBound
Firefox extension (spellbound.sourceforge.net)
for spell checking. A "Spell Check" button will automatically
appear in the Quick Reply window when the SpellBound extension is
- The default settings for the "Subscribe" and "Show Signature" settings
in the Quick Reply window are now configurable. The "Show Signature"
setting will only automatically add your signature to your first post
in a thread if it is set to default to be checked.
- The Quick Reply and Quick Quote buttons will no longer appear
on closed threads.
- Hopefully fixed bugs where threads wouldn't properly be marked as
"replied to" for the yellow highlight on the thread list.
- Changed name of "Quick Quote" window to "Quick Reply". This makes
sense for both quotes and replies, whereas "Quick Quote" only made
sense for quotes.
- Contains fixes from 1.11.65.
- Fixed a problem with Quick Quote and the [SPOILER] tag.
- The Quick Quote window will now come back to the top when additional
quotes are added to it.
- Stable release identical to development release 1.11.62.
- Tighten up the thread handling code to remove some cases where
certain types of threads would cause errors.
- Added Quick Multiquote override. If the Quick Quote window fails to
appear when you click the button on a thread, try double-clicking the
button, which will override the code used to try to place quotes from
multiple posts in the same Quick Quote window.
- Added a configuration option for the storage location of the forum
list XML data.
- Added Quick Reply button which works the same as the Quick Quote
- Includes fix for Linux users from version 1.11.51.
- Fixed a problem where access denied errors would occur to users
running under Linux. Settings files will now be saved in C:\ (Windows),
or your home directory (Linux) if for any reason your Firefox profile
directory can't be found.
- Development branch release corresponding to release version 1.12.46.
- Fixed a problem where sometimes the Quick Quote window would stop
- All of SA's VBCode tags that I know about are processed correctly
by the Quick Quote window now.
- A "SA" menu has been added to the browser window to provide a quick
jump to any forum. This menu is automatically updated with every
forum you have access to the first
time you visit any forum thread in a Firefox session. The menu will
not appear for the first time until you visit a forum thread. This
menu can be turned off in the configuration page.
- Clicking the Quick Quote button on a post while the Quick Quote window
is already open will add the quote from the selected post onto the
end of the text in the Quick Quote window.
- Clicking the "Options" icon in the Extension Manager now works for
changing the extension's options again.
- The extension's version information has been updated to be
compatible with Firefox versions 0.9 through 1.0.
- Replying to a thread through the Quick Quote window will now
correctly mark threads as posted in.
- Usernames displayed to the left of posts will now have the CSS
class "somethingawfulforum_username_username" applied to
them, where username is the user's username with non-alphanumeric
characters replaced with underscores.
- The location of the extension's thread data store can be changed
through the configuration page.
- Fixed a problem where the Quick Quote button would direct the
browser to the normal reply page when certain other extensions
are installed.
- Fixed a problem with Quick Quote text where the quoted user's
username had non-alphanumeric characters replace with
- Changed to the 'odd release numbers are development, even release
numbers are stable' version numbering scheme.
- Added "Quick Quote" reply functionality, and a configuration
toggle to turn it off. Clicking the arrow button next to the
Quick Quote button will
bring up the normal quote reply page.
- Added mouseover tooltip text for thread rating icons showing the
average thread rating and number of votes.
- The loading changes from version 1.04 have been removed.
- Made initialization considerably smarter -- the extension should no
longer fail when opening new browser windows, and will no longer
lose data if multiple instances of Firefox are started from the
Firefox icon, rather than using New Window functions within an
existing window.
1.04 (Super Double-Secret Test Edition)
- New document load detection code that should make the extension
perform all the page changes without having to wait for all
the images and stuff on the page. This is highly experimental
and may kill innocent puppies.
- Fixed the bug where an error window would appear when replying to
a thread.
- Detecting when you post in a thread now works properly if you've
previewed the post first, and no longer marks the thread as posted in
if you only preview a post.
- Added a Changelog window to the extension's About window, accessible
through the Extension Manager. The Changelog window will show once
automatically after a new update has been installed.
- Coloring for threads and posts now works in FYAD, and FYAD has some
seperately configurable colors to use on the configuration page.
- The CSS class name being created was incorrect for users that had spaces and/or punctuation in their name. This has been fixed, and all spaces and punctuation now are correctly replaced with underscores.
- The extension will now reposition a thread page to the anchored post after all images have loaded. This behavior can be disabled from the configuration page.
0.26 (RC2)
- Clicking the options button in the Extension Manager will launch the configuration page in a new window.
- The CSS class "somethingawfulforum_postby_username" will be added to each post on a thread page, where username is the name of the user that made the specific post. The name is mangled a bit to be a safe CSS class name, any non-alphanumeric character in the name is replaced with an "_". You can use your profile's userContent.css to apply specific styling to a poster of your choice.
0.25 (RC1)
- The extension will add the CSS class "somethingawfulforum" to the body of every page served up by the forums. It will additionally add a class named "somethingawfulforum_forumdisplay_php" to all pages by forumdisplay.php -- and other forum .phps will have the appropriate equivalent class added.
- The extension now works with Firefox's automatic updating system. You can now use the Update button in the Extension manager to check for/install updates, and if you have Firefox configured to automatically check for updates, it'll let you know when there are updates available.
- Colors for seen and unseen posts within a thread are now seperately configurable from the colors used on the thread lists.
- The extension will now apply one of three CSS classes to thread rows on thread list pages. You can use this in conjunction with your Firefox profile's userContent.css file to apply any sort of extra formatting you want to apply to threads. The classes are "salastread_unreadthread", "salastread_readthread", and "salastread_readwithnewthread".
- No more errors when entering The Film Dump. The extension won't work in there, but at least it won't pop up an error window anymore.
- Added the color for replied thread highlighting to the configuration page.
- You can now choose on the configuration page to put the "go to last read post" icon on every visited thread, even if they don't have new posts. This is disabled by default, which makes it act like previous versions where it would only place that icon on threads with new posts.
- When you reply to a thread, the extension will keep track of that and will highlight the number of replies column in yellow on the thread listing page. See the first post for a screenshot of this. This currently only works for replies, not for new threads, and not if you just edit a post.
- The URL generated by the "Go to Last Read Post" icon has been fixed. This got broken in 0.16.
- Preferences now load properly when you exit and restart Firefox. This accidentally got broken in 0.16.
- You can choose the order that you want the thread icons to display, from left to right.
- Clicking a "mark unvisited" icon no longer removes all the other icons from the page.
- An icon has been added to mark a thread as unvisited, which makes the extension forget you've ever been in the thread, so it will no longer be colored in thread listings. See the first post in the thread for an image pointing out the icon. You can configure the image used for this icon on the preferences page. Thanks for LonelyKing for his implementation of this which the code is based off of.
- On the preferences page, you can disable either or both thread icons, to your liking.
- Colors and icons are configurable. By using the "Configure Last Read Extension" link near the top of each forum page, you can change the colors used for thread highlighting, and you can change what image is used for the "Go to last read post" icon. See the first post in the thread for a screenshot of the link. You can also change these values through about:config (see preferences starting with "salastread."), but they won't take effect until you restart Firefox if you change them there.
- Browsing in tabs now works properly! Thanks to protactin for the push in the right direction to get this fixed. If you have any problems with tabs that aren't fixed now, let me know.
- Auto cleanup of salastread.xml is now implemented. The file is cleaned up automatically when Firefox starts. Any thread that you haven't seen a new post in within the past 7 days will be cleaned from the file. This feature relies on your system date being set properly, and may be off by 24 hours in either way depending on your time zone compared to the forums' time zone.
- New extension icon, thanks to uncut product, and new "go to new posts" icon, thanks to 8ender.
- Recognizing posts you make to a thread works now. This time I mean it. It will also enable highlighting on a thread in situations where it wouldn't work previously. I don't know if this will fix the problems that were being blamed on the tabbrowser extension problems previously reported; probably not, but it's worth a shot.
- If you've visited a thread, and the thread has new posts, in addition to being green in the thread list, an icon will appear that will link directly to the last post that you saw in the thread. (I can't link to the first new post because I don't know what it's ID is, so I just link to the last old post.) See the new screenshot in the first post for an example. This will only work on threads you've read since you've installed 0.13, since earlier versions didn't store the last post ID in a thread.
- Colors have been swapped around. On the thread listing page: threads you haven't viewed at all will be the regular forum colors, threads you've viewed but don't have any new posts will be blue, and threads you've viewed that have new posts will be green. On a thread page: posts you've seen will be blue, and posts you haven't seen yet will be the regular forum colors. See the new images in the first post for examples.
- It will now detect your new post when you've posted on a thread. The previous version wouldn't detect the new post because the URL you get redirected to after making the post didn't have the thread's ID number in it. Now, if I can't get it off the URL, I get it off the "Subscribe to this Thread" link at the bottom of the page. (This may not currently be working all that well, since it just failed for me on this very post -- I'll give it some more TLC).
- I fixed the 0.9.1+ maxversion value. I'm also doing all my development on 0.9.1 now because I got fed up with 0.9 corruping my user profile. :(
- It adds a "Configure Last Read Extension" to the bunch of links at the top of each forum page, but it doesn't really do anything useful yet. I'm working on that for the next release.